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I bumped into her, literally, in the library and as I helped her pick up her books I thought she looked vaguely familiar, but it wasn't until I saw her name on the cover of one of her notebooks that I realized who she was. Longer hair, fuller breasts, very little make-up (as opposed to high school where she put it on by the pound) and braces on her teeth. I apologized for not watching where I was going and watched her walk away. Two days later I saw her sitting in the cafeteria and she nodded. "I don't really remember how I lost my dress but I can recall his hand inside my panties, a finger inside me, he was whispering things, telling me how sexy I was, how he loved women in stockings and how much he envied you," You're very wet darling," That's what he said," she laughed, "And then he kissed me through my panties."She lifted a leg and hooked it around my neck as she continued."That's when I came for the first time, he said I looked incredible as I came, he stood up then and. What the fuck, I thought. This was too good an offer to refuse. Amy and Shelly would be at the club late and Ariel would understand.Sounds good to me. I told them.Hey Thorn, we’re up next. My fellow competitor Tom hailed me to the tee. Both the two women and I stood up. Mike was coming over to get my bag.Here’s a kiss for luck. Jen said and pressed her huge tits to my body and gave me a deep wet kiss. Gloria followed suit and rubbed my crotch with her hand as she twirled her hot tongue in my. As couples arrived, all the men were given two thousand dollars in play money. From that point, whether they danced with a gal, got a kiss from her, a blow job, out and out cost them.The prices weren't set but arranged between the men and the particular woman that caught their eye. At an arranged time, the ladies would add all their accumulated wealth together, and the one with the most money would win a free party for her and her partner. Being single I volunteered to greet folks.
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